Friday, November 09, 2007

17 to 8 - So who do you believe?

According to the IPCC report (Stockwell 1) , all 17 public witnesses say they heard no warnings from police officers, nor any indication they were police officers, prior to the execution of Jean Charles De Menezes at Stockwell Tube Station on 22nd July 2005. Whereas all 8 of the police officers involved say that 'armed police' warnings WERE shouted.

The police were allowed to prepare their evidence to the IPCC in collusion with one another. In other words they made sure they got their stories agreed first and, being police officers, understood the importance of closing ranks in their own defence. The public witnesses on the other hand, gave independent, non-collusive evidence with no interest other than providing individual accounts of what they witnessed.

So - rhetorical question - which would you put your money on:

1. All 17 public witnesses are mistaken?

2. The police are lying through their teeth?

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