- For those with teeny-weeny screens, the tee-shirt strap line reads:
"We're bringing oil to American Shores"Hmmm - aren't they just?
Seriously though - If the western world is to maintain its existing "non-negotiable" lifestyle for another 10-15 years or so - let alone there being the remotest prospect of 'making poverty history' by having others aspire to similar profligacy - then deep water drilling such as has produced the still unfolding catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico will have to be dramatically increased.
Consider the inevitable consequences and weep.
"We're bringing oil to American Shores"
The other day travelling cross country I saw a BP t-shirt, yet I don't recall ever seeing one before. Perhaps their global HQ's are under orders to give away freebees?
In the US, I suggest in addition to the t-shirts, a bottle of a good surfactant be included.